Friday, January 31, 2003

Listening to one of the speakers make me drowsy. I need to have coffee. However, attending an orientation in a company where I’m still virtually an alien makes me adamant even to stand up. But I have to stay awake. So I write instead.

Today would have been my last day at TPG. But yesterday, I was informed to attend Bayantel’s orientation for Corporate Business Operations. Upon knowing that, I had to stay late at the office and miss one series on the bible study I have been attending. I had to see that everything is arranged before I leave. That was my last day. I had to write reminders to one of my staff. I had to write my last letter to my boss.

All was not in vain after all. An officemate from another department was left and we ended up talking about life. Life here and what happens next. I ended up sharing to her about my faith and belief and invited her to attend our Thursday cell group. I hope she attends tonight.

Once I had a dream to become a writer. I am again reminded of that dream when a friend mentioned about his vision of becoming an international writer. And I got envy in a sense. I wanted to be like that too. But what should I write about?

Yesterday, I was lent a book by an officemate. It was unusual that I was asked if I could read a book in a day or in one sitting. I said I cannot. She lent me “Tuesdays with Morrie” anyway.

As I read the book during lunch break, I cannot seem to put it down. The introduction took my interest right away. I wanted to finish the book as fast as I can. The appeal was like that of a child very much eager to open a Christmas or birthday present.

I want to write like that. I want to get the interest of the person right away. For them to be drawn to my idea, to my story, like a pied piper for readers.

Perhaps it has something to do with the way Mitch Albom writes. He writes from the heart. Or perhaps it was about the person he wrote, Morrie Schwartz. Whatever it is, it gave me the desire to write about something that would affect the lives of people. To challenge them to think, from the heart. Not that my ideas would be an absolute but that it would make them uncomfortable enough to move them. To draw them out towards their spiritual need. To draw them closer to God if possible. That’s what I want.

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