Tuesday, February 15, 2005

To be able to grasp a clear perspective of the things around us, it is sometimes a good idea to step back. By “stepping back” I refer to the idea of playing in a game of chess.

Consider that we are players in a game of chess. We are gripped by pressures of the clock, having to respond, time-bound, and with much consideration of the consequence of our every move. There would be instances where it becomes a necessity to step our of the game, stand up, and like the “on-lookers,” try to analyze the game from a different view. Then perhaps, we can play a good game of life. They say “it’s not all about winning, but how you play the game.” We may not end up victorious, but we would have played well.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Walk, don’t run. Have you tried to walk slowly? Slower than your usual way of walking? Walk as if you don’t have anywhere to go to. Walk as if you don’t intend to reach your destination.

In a society where everything is being rushed, and where everyone is in a hurry, it would be abnormal to take things slow. Yet, in my observation, it seems to me, that when you try to slow your pace, you will become more aware of the things around you.

When we do slow down, we avoid deciding based on our impulse. And if we do, we end up making better judgement. Better judgement because we can give more time to intently inspect the things, and people, that surround us. Unlike when we speed up our pace, we tend to be left with “first impressions” or imprints of what we see. But this should not be the case if we intently gaze at things around us. “First impressions” to our surroundings, is similar to “initial reactions” to our situations. It is something natural, but something which could be controlled or corrected.

So slow down. Walk, don’t run.